Smile Foundation recognized among top 10 NGOs in India

Smile Foundation recognized among top 10 NGOs in India

The nonprofit sector of our country serves as the infrastructure for corporate social responsibility. NGOs, or non-governmental organisations, are important players in this area, putting CSR strategies into practice and carrying out a variety of humanitarian programmes. The Ministry of Corporate Affairs’ (MCA) CSR regulations give specific weight to an NGO’s position as a partner …

Field Visit to Maharashtra: Experiencing the Ground Work of Smile Foundation

Field Visit to Maharashtra: Experiencing the Ground Work of Smile Foundation

I recently got the opportunity to represent the Communications Department of Smile Foundation on a field visit. There I witnessed the ground work of Smile Foundation. This particular visit was for our Swabhiman programme. Swabhiman is the women’s empowerment programme by Smile Foundation. It aims to provide quality education, healthcare, nutrition, and livelihood to women from under-privileged ...

Can we predict the effects of the pandemic on the girl child?

Can we predict the effects of the pandemic on the girl child?

Can we predict the effects of the pandemic on the girl child? Several studies have been conducted on the impact of the COVID-19 induced school closures across the world. Most of them have drawn similar conclusions. Closure of schools will lead to lower levels of schooling and learning, reduced earnings in the future, and an …

From Spain- With Love!

From Spain- With Love!

From Spain- With Love! My name is David Martori, I am 16 years old, I am from Spain but I live in Japan with my parents. My life has taken me to many different countries and I have had the privilege of living in several countries. I was born in Spain and lived there for ...

Doctors Day Smile Salutes Our Healthcare Workers

Doctors Day Smile Salutes Our Healthcare Workers

National Doctor’s Day is observed every year on July 1. The day commemorates the birth as well as the death anniversary of Dr Bidhan Chandra Roy, former chief minister of West Bengal. The day is dedicated to all the doctors and healthcare workers who have been serving people by risking their lives. As a result ...

What can be the role of AI in healthcare?

What can be the role of AI in healthcare?

Artificial intelligence is on the verge of becoming a game-changing force in healthcare. How will the influence of AI in healthcare create tools to help clinicians and patients? What is the role of AI in healthcare? The healthcare business is in desperate need of reform. There is practically unlimited potential for improvement. From using technology to deploy ...